Motor Vehicle Safety: What are the Exposures?
All vehicle incidents that occur inside of a maritime operation fall under the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (USL&H). By following some simple recommendations, you can prevent exposure to injuries -- not only to yourself but others around you. This exposure also includes the high cost of vehicle repair or replacement. The safe operations of motor vehicles save lives and money.
10 Ways to Minimize Crash Risk
- Gain senior management commitment and involve employees
- Have written policies and procedures (e.g., alcohol and drug use policy, seat belt use policy)
- Establish agreements with employees who drive for work purposes
- Check driving records of employees who drive at your facility
- Establish and enforce a crash reporting and investigation process
- Select, properly maintain and routinely inspect company vehicles
- Develop of strategy to determine the course of action after crashes
- Implement a driver reward/incentive program to encourage safe driving
- Provide continuous driver safety training and communication
- Ensure adherence to highway safety regulations
Source: NETS Traffic Safety Primer. More resources are available on the NETS website.
Exclusive for ALMA Members: Motor Vehicle Safety Resource Site
As part of our monthly Safety Focus initiative, the ALMA member resource website has a page providing safety resources for preventing motor vehicle-related incidents. Resources include:
- Toolbox talks
- Safety bulletins
- OSHA guidance
- Sample company vehicle safety policy
- Safety practices for forklifts, golf carts, semi-tractors and top-side handlers
- On-demand webcast on traffic safety in marine terminals
ALMA members may access that page by clicking here (login required). If you have not yet registered for access, click here to do so.