Longshore Insider

Top 10 Longshore Insider Blogs of 2023

Written by The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. | Jan 2, 2024 6:00:00 AM

The American Equity Underwriters, Inc. launched its blog in April 2009. Moderated by longshore expert Jack Martone, the blog focused on providing valuable information, advice, and commentary on the United States Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act to waterfront employers and marine brokers.

Today, the Longshore Insider aligns with all areas of expertise at AEU – from claims to safety, leadership development to longshore consulting. Here's a look at the most popular articles from 2022 - some of which were written way before this year, but their popularity has stood the test of time.


1. 10 Qualities of an Excellent Team Player

Teamwork is an essential part of workplace success. It is not a fixed trait but rather one that can be learned and developed. This blog provides 10 qualities that can help make you a better team player.


2. The 6 Key Safety Responsibilities of Every Employee

Employees expect their employers to provide a safe work environment with protection from job hazards. It’s important that employees realize they have a role in maintaining a safe workplace as well.


3. Motivating Employees from Different Generations

While it varies by generation, the desire for feedback is evident across all age groups – it’s just a matter of how you deliver it. This blog breaks down each generation and explains how supervisors can connect with employees from all generations. 


4. Arising Out of and In the Course of Employment

There’s a principle basic to the concept of workers’ compensation laws that must be resolved at the initial stage of a claim. This blog discusses how it applies to the Longshore Act.


5. Five Self-Management Skills Every Manager Should Master 

Change is a new reality, and managers must find ways to adjust and manage their people in real-time. This blog provides five self-management skills every manager should have in their toolbox. 


6. What Makes a Good Safety Observation

Safety observations help employees learn to identify both unsafe acts and conditions in the workplace or job site. This blog provides five keys to completing successful safety observations in the workplace. 


7. What's the Difference Between the Jones Act and the Longshore Act?

There’s a big difference between the Jones Act and the Longshore Act. For maritime employers, it is frequently difficult to recognize the difference between the two Acts and to choose correctly between them. This blog helps clarify some of the differences between the two. 


8. 5 Things Employers Want from a Safety Manager

Employee involvement and support is essential for a high-performing safety program. A safety manager who effectively meets their “wants” will improve the teamwork and collaboration needed for success.


9. Four Reasons Why Employees Should Speak Up About Safety Concerns

If employees learn to express their safety concerns and ideas, they can make their workplaces safer one voice at a time.  This blog discusses four reasons to encourage employees to speak up about safety concerns.


10. What Are the Navigable Waters of the United States?

The Longshore Act does not define "navigable waters of the United States," although this phrase is central to the Longshore Act's "situs" requirement for coverage. So, what are the navigable waters of the United States? This blog takes a closer look.